Finding your edge
What are you saying to yourself as you encounter challenges in life? How do you react? Do you tend to look for the easy way out or do you tackle difficulties and challenges head on?
The challenges we face on the yoga mat, build resilience, grit, determination, compassion, kindness, strength, patience, gratitude and much more. These essential teachings transfer from mat to life. Who we show up as on our yoga mat, is who we show up as in everyday life.
Our yoga practice helps us to build essential life skills to better thrive in life, to better cope with challenges, to better navigate our relationships with self and others.
In our yoga practice we learn to ‘find our edge’, that place where we are not taking the easy option but also not going in with headlights on to cause injury.
How do you embrace the challenging poses, do you dive straight in or maybe you take the easy option? Maybe you’ve learned to find your edge?
The way we present ourselves on the mat, is the way we are in everyday life, are we pushing too much or not enough?
Every day will present different challenges both on and off the mat. On different days ‘our edge’ will be different. Some days we need to take the easy option, other days we need to push on through.
Yoga helps us to tune in, to listen to our bodies, our minds, yoga helps us to find our edge, knowing what is enough and when we can push a little further.
Finding our edge in yoga is important to avoid injury, to find growth and strengthen our practice – (body and mind), finding our edge transpires to life, as we come to listen to our body and mind -we come to know when to push and when to ease off in our everyday.
In our yoga practice we tend to hold poses for longer than we would normally like, we challenge our bodies to find balance, stability & strength, we challenge our minds to find stillness and words of courage.
In your yoga practice, find your edge by feeling into the various yoga poses, you decide what is enough for you, when to push and when to hold off.
Struggling to find your edge in life? Join me on the mat, turn your gaze inwards, really tune in – to your body and mind, get to know yourself. Connect deeper to self, come to understand your body and mind and make decisions to truly BENEFIT you daily.
“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.” James Clear
‘Yoga provides that safe space to just be.
Interested in experiencing the benefits? Yoga as a lifestyle?
See you on the mat soon!
Jenny Xx
Next month’s blog… coming soon