The power of the breath
The power of the breath –different techniques I find useful – simple and effective tools to add to your toolkit.
Did you know that the quickest way to alter your state is through the breath?
Learn how to use your breath to enhance your lifestyle.
Find calm amidst the chaos in an instant – with one tool – THE BREATH.
There are many breathing techniques that can be used to find calm in the body and mind.
Deep Belly Breathing – Lengthening the EXHALE
Move from a state of fight or flight as you stimulate the rest & digest system. Just 5-6 rounds of lengthening the exhale 1:2 ratio (Inhale: Exhale)
Regain a sense of calm & comfort
The breath has the power not only to transform the body but the mind.
Deep Belly Breathing can help reduce anxiety, manage depression, manage stress, find calm, improve focus – moving from narrow & obsessed to open and expansive, enables better sleep and promote faster recovery from exercise or exertion.
The 4-7-8 breathing technique involves breathing in for 4 seconds, holding the breath for 7 seconds, and exhaling for 8 seconds.
People may find it helps manage anxiety. This breathing pattern aims to reduce anxiety or help people get to sleep. It is a form of pranayama, which is the practice of breath regulation.
Nasal breathing
Practice breathing through your nose while sitting, when doing Yoga, while meditating or while driving. Become more aware of how you breathe. Then try to walk 5-10 paces while Nasal breathing or if you have good fitness, try to do it while jogging, running or at the gym.
During the day, at rest or moving, notice your breath.
Try to improve your breathing and health by shutting your mouth!
Are you a nose of a mouth breather?
My journey with the breath
Yoga has helped me to reconnect to my breath, so many of us are not breathing properly, not taking a proper breath. Yoga invites you to connect to breath as you engage the body in asana (posture) , linking breath to movement, a moving meditation. So connected to body and breath that our thoughts dissipate.
Want to move from shallow breathing to deepening you breath, move from mouth breather to a nose breathing?
Join an upcoming yoga class, workshop, special event or retreat and experience the benefits for yourself.
What breathing technique will you incorporate into your lifestyle this week?
Start small & build over time.
Add a breathing technique to your daily routine.
Habit stack – Choose a habit you already have – brushing your teeth, driving to work, morning/evening walk.
Add 2-3 mins breathing as you brush your teeth, as you drive to work, in the middle of your morning or evening walk.
Connect to breath, connect to self.
By deepening our breath, we deepening our connection to self.
JUST BREATHE- It’s the challenging times where the breath is fundamental – take a moment to pause, to just breathe (e.g. deep belly breathing/4-7-8/ lengthen your exhale – so many ways to stimulate the PSNS) –
Find calm amidst the chaos, respond instead of reacting.
Life will throw curveballs but building your own personal toolkit will help to navigate through. What’s in your toolkit? How do you manage everyday stresses?
In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.” Deepak Chopra
Many of us are so busy running and racing, we never allow ourselves the space to slow down, to find stillness, to simply breathe, we keep moving to the next thing on the list.
‘Yoga provides that safe space to just be, to breathe, to find inner stillness.’
Get out of your head & back into your body.
Interested in experiencing the benefits? Yoga as a lifestyle?
Get in touch!
Next week’s blog… coming soon