The steps in finding and maintaining balance – applicable to all walks of life.

I found Balance through yoga but my concern was how would I maintain that balance post training as I re-entered modern society and all the distractions. 


My yoga teacher training experience gave me the opportunity to evaluate my life.

What did I want more of, where was I putting myself under unnecessary strain, where was I going around in circles – repeating the same old patterns. where was I succumbing to the pressures of modern society.


My experience

During my training, I was challenged to sit still in lengthy daily meditations and spend longer than I would have liked in various asanas (postures). These experiences although challenging, gave  space for clarity to emerge. It was in these moments that I truly got to know myself, my thoughts, my emotions, my internal dialogue. My self awareness grew and I came to realise what I actually wanted from my life. ‘In stillness we find clarity’


Seeing clearly

I was able to look at my lifestyle as a spectator ‘ an observer, to witness – one of the key benefits of meditation. I could see SO clearly now. Through yoga, I gained the self awareness, I learned how to adapt my busy lifestyle, with various tools & techniques, helping me to slow down, to breathe fully, to find stillness.

“The answers you seek never come when the mind is busy, they come when the mind is still.” Leon Brown



Re-entering modern society, maintaining ‘balance’, the real challenge!

Yes, it’s all fine and dandy when you are enclosed, away from distraction & the pressures of everyday life but what happens when you re-emerge into reality, when life’s demands come knocking at your door? When you are faced with responsibilities and everyday stresses and worries of a modern lifestyle?

The Challenge of maintaining balance 

It’s not always easy to find & maintain balance in life, life is busy, unexpected  things pop up and sometimes we take on more than we can chew, but ultimately we are in control, we control our actions & our attitude. We are the masters of our lives.

My tips for finding & maintaining balance

Fill up your own cup first, if that involves getting up 10 mins earlier, to have a cup of tea in silence before the mayhem begins, to breathe, to pause, it doesn’t have to be 1-2 hours. A good morning routine is essential for me. It changes all the time.

Control the controllable – Spend one day each week- planning your week ahead, get clear on obligations, responsibilities and schedule in your ‘self care activities & time, making time for yourself each day, it doesn’t have to be the same rigid routine. Having some structure and routine really helped me, it provided more ‘Free’ time where I could ‘go with the flow’, which was a BIG challenge for me.

Reset your goals  – The weekly check in – Give yourself the time and space each week.  Check in and see what needs to be put in place to maintain balance. – Build a new routine each week based on your schedule for the upcoming week. Download my FREE mind body journal here!

Self acceptance, there will be some instances where we cannot control our life, (hopefully short lived), this is where we need to have self acceptance and self compassion for ourselves & others, to know that ‘this too shall pass’.

You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.

BREATHE- It’s the challenging times where the breath is fundamental – take a moment to pause, to just breathe (e.g. deep belly breathing/4-7-8/ lengthen your exhale – so many ways to stimulate the PSNS) – Blog post on breath coming soon)

These tips have enabled me to find & maintain balance in my life for the most part. Life will throw curveballs but building your own personal toolkit will help to navigate through. What’s in your toolkit? How do you maintain balance in your everyday?

In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.” Deepak Chopra

Many of us are so busy running and racing, we never allow ourselves the space to slow down, to find stillness, to simply breathe, we keep moving to the next thing on the list. Society today presents so many pressures, as we get so caught up trying to be as productive as possible’, an impeding guilt if you sit still.

What will you do this week to bring about more balance in your life?

Start small & build over time.

‘Yoga provides that safe space to just be, to breathe, to find inner stillness.’

Get out of your head & back into your body. 

Interested in experiencing the benefits? Yoga as a lifestyle?

See you on the mat soon!

Jenny Xx 

Next week’s blogThe power of the breath – different techniques I find useful  – simple and effective tools to add to your toolkit.

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